Thank you for taking some time to look at my blog! If you want to contact me with any questions or about scheduling a photo shoot you can do so at or call me at 505-410-8318

Monday, November 15, 2010


Sometimes, in order to make older kids laugh, I say inappropriate things. Without missing a beat (or cracking a smile) Eston would deadpan "quarter" at every bad word. So then it became a game to try to make him smile with colorful language. At the end of the shoot he says, "you owe me $3.75" are raising beautiful, smart and smartass boys :) Eston..make it $4.00


Unknown said...

Elena your hair has gotten so long!! Great pictures as usual Stacey. The boys are looking like they are about ready to drive. : )

Bethany Dawn Burns said...

I am in LOVE with that second shot of the boys!!! It's priceless and if I was their mom I would order a giant CANVAS. What a beautiful family. :)

Candice C said...

I am such a huge fan of yours Stacey! I love your pictures, your comments, you entire blog. You are so talented! If you ever come to San Diego to visit our friend Shannon please let me hire you to take my families photos! I just think you are so amazing! Keep it up!

Stacey Clark said...

Candice! Thank you SO MUCH!! I can't wipe this stupid smile off of my face..and OF COURSE I will do your pictures..I would LOVE to! I so appreciate the don't know how much! Thanks girl!